In the midst of rapid expansion of medical knowledge intended to benefit many, too few actually understand medical information well enough to improve their health. A landmark 2006 report notes that only about 12% of US adults had a proficient state of health literacy whereby “individuals can obtain, process and understand the basic health information and services they need to make appropriate health decisions.”
US Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). The Health Literacy of America’s Adults: Results from the 2003 National Assessment of Adult Literacy. NCES website. . 2006. Accessed September 7, 2015.
The fundamental premise for Connect & Care is communication.  As the quote to the right demonstrates, the vast majority of people who are involved in any aspect of their own health or that of a loved one, have severe knowledge deficits about the health care process. The healthcare system is complex. In an attempt to  improve the efficiency of healthcare delivery, healthcare has created a production line-type process.  The patient has almost been entirely removed from the equation. Connect & Care is patient centric. That means we keep the patient at the center of the care process, where the patient belongs.

How Connect & Care Works . . .

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    Central Information Hub

    Connect & Care provides a single platform where anyone who is involved in your care or the care of your family member can communicate and make sure that everyone is on the same playing field. Not unlike the switchboards of old, it is one single tool to connect everyone involved in the care process.
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    Secure, HIPAA-compliant

    Connect & Care is built on a secure, HIPAA-compliant platform. Your healthcare information and data is secure. 
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    Email Messaging

    One of the primary messaging tools utilizes email to provide updates and notifications when any care transaction has been posted by anyone involved in the care process.
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    Text Messaging

    Text messaging can also be utilized to communicate as well as notify when any care transaction has been posted.

A real example

My Dad says the hospital says my Mom was admitted due to hyper cartiopathy in her heart. What the heck is that? I need to tell the rest of the family right away.
Patient in Michigan
My brother just called and said something about our Mom being hospitalized for heart trouble from hydrocortisone and said I should pass it on.
Patient in Michigan
With Connect & Care, the whole family could click on the mother's diagnosis and see that it's hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. A link takes them to a complete and understandable definition on MedLinePlus. They'd see that she's been taking Dronedarone at home but has been switched to Metorprolol, also with links to information about those drugs. They could ask questions or even provide information through a controlled communications stream via their ConnectOR. Incomplete and increasingly distorted information distributed via a "telephone game" style of relay becomes a thing of the past.
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It’s well known that during any transition of care, that is when you go between doctor visits, between facilities, or between outpatient providers, there is the potential for loss of information, confusion, and mistakes. By leveraging the Care Communication tools within Connect & Care, what was formerly a maze that included wide gaps in the care process, the potential for problems between care transitions is avoided or significantly minimized.

Connect & Care works in any care setting!!

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If you are well but have a healthcare condition you can utilize Connect & Care to optimize your health. The tools in the Patient Care Toolbox as well as the Healthcare Navigation services, and Patient Advocacy programs can ensure that if you do become ill, you’ll be better prepared.
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Any event in the hospital whether for an outpatient procedure or an illness that requires in-hospital care, Connect & Care is there to help you better manage all aspects of the healthcare journey.  The full resources of Connect & Care are at your disposal.
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Should your care journey involve care through a facility-based rehabilitation program or outpatient rehabilitation services, Connect & Care will help you better understand the goals, how to optimize rehabilitation success, how to continue rehabilitation on your own, and better understand how rehabilitation services are covered by insurance.
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Home Healthcare

Once a patient leaves the traditional brick-and-mortar treatment environment, the need for care does not end. Home heath services provide a vital and indispensable bridge to continued wellness and management of chronic ailments. However, in between HHC visits, the patient and families provide some elements of care. Communicating expectations, providing information, making resources available to empower patients and families is critical to a successful recovery.
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Connect & Care has developed a very unique Patient Care Toolbox. We have taken the fundamental transactions in healthcare where potential problems and errors can occur. We have developed a specific tool to address each one of these potential problem areas to help you better understand the process, manage the transaction, and maximize the quality of your care, safety of your care and your healthcare experience.

Click on the tabs below to see the elements of how Connect & Care works!