Yes! If you want to take control of your health and your healthcare transactions, Connect & Care has all the tools you’ll need
How much does Connect & Care cost?
The cost for use of Connect & Care varies depending upon individual subscription, facility deployment, employer-based plans, etc. Contact Connect & Care for a quote.
How is Connect & Care different than my doctor’s office?
Connect & Care can work with or independently from your doctor’s office. Many doctors offices have patient portals, however they may not provide the comprehensive healthcare tools that are available on the Connect & Care site. Talk to your doctor, they can use Connect & Care to improve your care as well
The hospital has a web portal, how is Connect & Care different?
Many hospitals have web portals that allow you to view your laboratory or diagnostic test results. They also allow you to ask questions and send emails. Connect & Care has a more comprehensive communication platform as well as the Patient Care Toolbox that allows you to expand and empower your healthcare options. Also, the whole Connect & Care team is there to help you.
Who controls my information?
Your information is always controlled by you. You decide which providers, facilities, or other healthcare organizations you communicate with and who can communicate with you.
Can I change who controls my information?
At any time as your healthcare journey continues to evolve or change, you can change which providers, facilities, or other healthcare organizations you communicate with and who can communicate with you.